Bullet Journaling, Doing Unpleasant Tasks and Mindfulness

When bullet journaling first rose to prominence back in the 2010s, I had to try it. To stay organized and hyper productive, I tried journalling, to-do lists on my phone, task reminders in my email (does anyone remember Mailbox that was acquired by Dropbox? It will forever change how I see productivity).

Change Your Life and Write Everything Down

A New Year’s Resolution of mine this year was to Write Everything Down. I mean everything – from my 1:1s with my cofounder and reports, and speaker sessions I attended to what my friend told me when we caught up on the phone and random things I was thinking about that day. I wrote it all down (or tried to).

Good PM / Bad PM

This past week a friend ask me to review his resume for product management jobs, and in giving him feedback I was reminded of how I answered an interview question a few years ago. The question was: “What makes a Good PM? What makes a Bad PM?” I can only assume the question is an allusion to Ben Horowitz’s famous blog post. It’s a good question, and every product manager has a different answer since there are so many diverse jobs and skillsets within the product management community. It is worth understanding your own answer, and, even though it is always evolving, here is mine at the moment.

Choosing App Navigation for Vsho

As you might have noticed, most mobile apps conform to having 3-5 main pages of their app, all available at the bottom as part of their bottom navigation bar. There is a tab for each of the main pages of the app on this bar.

We spent about a week deciding where our navigation bar would live and what our navigation bar would include. This is our process, and framework for making these design decisions.

How to Debug

Debugging is about knowing how a program should work and how it actually does work, and debugging is a skill that can be applied outside of software and in the real world.